Hello PHD Family!!!
I hope this newsletter finds each of you doing well! I know it has been a looonnnnggg time since I wrote this newsletter. We are currently open at 50% capacity and have enjoyed seeing all of you! I hop you all had a Happy and Healthy and most of all Blessed Thanksgiving!
We have changed our hours to 10-5 Tuesday through Friday and 10-3 on Saturday, as we are down to a very small crew until the Coronavirus is held at bay and we can welcome back Teresa and Tina with open arms. Masks, face shields, or face covering is required per the governor and me, yes I required them before the governor, but I have to keep my quilting family safe, so thank you for your understanding!! We will still bring things to your car if you prefer not to come into the store due to Covid-19, just call or use the web site to place your order and let us know it is for curbside pickup.
Stuff My Stocking Begins today!! If you haven't already signed up call the shop at 254-741-6988 or email me at phdquilts@gmail.com and I will get you signed up and send you the first email!!I have had a lot of fun picking out this years stocking stuffers!
December 17, 18 and 19 we will be having a super inventory blowout sale so that I don't have to count it!! All fabric on the bolt will be 30% off IF you buy the whole bolt!! This will be the time to stock up on those basics and favorites, before we close for the year. The last day for the store to be open is December 19th. We will return on January 5th and Quilts of Valor will be here that day as well.
I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful and blessed Holiday season!!!
Classes, Classes, Classes!
December 1 - Quilts of Valor Quilts of Valor meets from 10 - 4! These ladies are amazing and have really knocked out some beautiful quilts for our veterans! Please come join the fun, the Quilts of Valor meet on the First Tuesday of the month.Today we will be awarding 3 veterans so if you can come on out and support our veterans!
December 5th - Tea Towel Extravaganza! Come by a purchase a tea towel and machine embroidery file for $5.00. You can bring your embroidery machine and stitch it up or you can take it home and make it. These are perfect hostess gifts!!
December 7th - Bella Box Party!! For all who purchased a Bella Box, we will be here working on projects from the box from 10 - 4pm. So stop on in, bring your embroidery machine and lets get those projects done!!!
December 10- Kimberbell Club: Choose your Project Choose to create a gift pouch or a Denim Tote this month - Both make awesome gifts! 0Due to the popularity of this club there are two classes one at 10am and the other at 2pm. This month's project is the Pencil Pouch, very cute and in time for school!
Block of the Months
With the store remaining open we have started our block of the month programs back up! As always, you choose when to start your block of the month!
Hill Country Heritage - $24.99 month, 12 months, available in July
Hill Country Heritage Block of the Month designed by Paula Barnes and Mary Ellen Robison of Red Crinoline Quilts featuring fabrics by Paula Barnes for Marcus Fabrics.The Hill Country Heritage BOM quilt features a vertical row setting, with a wide center row of 10" blocks flanked on either side by two rows of 5" blocks and sashing from the border stripe.This BOM will begin in July 2020 and run for 12 months at a cost of $24.99 per month. Kits will include Hill Country Heritage Pattern, Star Single HST papers and acrylic template and all fabrics needed to complete the top, backing and binding. Yes, the Hill Country Heritage Extra Wide Backing 0748 0142 is included in the Block of the month!!! The finished quilt is approximately 86" x 89"

Tonga Canyon - $28 month, 12 months, available in October Beautiful Batiks from Timeless Treasure create this beautiful Quilt. A twelve month Block of Month Beginning in October 2020. Pattern by Wing and A Prayer.

Again, thank you all for your continued support of the shop, I really enjoy spending time with you all and helping you finish your quilts. Until I see you, please be safe, happy, and quilting!
Blessings, Angela