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PHD Quilts and the Coronavirus

Good morning PHD Family,

I know none us like the situation that we as a country are facing at this time. However, after careful research and consideration on my part here is how things are shaping up at PHD Quilts.

We will remain open. However, we will be at a skeleton crew as I have several employees who fall into the high risk categories and I am asking them to self quarantine for their own protection, I love my PHD Family and have always emphasized that family comes first. Constant disinfection of surface areas will occur throughout the day and we have plenty of soap on hand for hand washing :)

Classes -

The small classes, such as Margaret's Bagaholics classes will continue as we have enough space for people to be socially separate, if this changes I will let you know.

Our instructor for the Quilting with a walking foot and the Crazy 8 Class is self quarantining and has asked us to postpone these classes for at least a month, when we have new dates I will let those enrolled know the new dates and times. If you would like to cancel your participation in these classes instead please let us know and we will cancel your enrollment and refund your money.

The Floriani Event has been cancelled, but we are working with RNK to create a "LIVE" online version that our enrolled customers can attend, I have emailed them individually about this event.

Wednesday Bee - Will continue as usual, we are just asking everyone to be socially responsible and elbow bump instead of hugging - this will be a hard one for me!!!

If you would like you can shop online and pickup curbside or we can mail your order.

If any of you are sick, have someone sick or are having to self quarantine because you are in the high risk categories PLEASE let us know. We as a family want to help! We will deliver your groceries, your medications, your quilting needs, anything that you need delivered to your porch! This is a time when we need to be here for each other and we as a family want to help our family members in need.

Please remain calm yet vigilant as we go forward. This is an ever evolving event and there are a lot of small businesses that will not make it through this time as the economy suffers during times of peril. Please continue to support small businesses everywhere you can whenever you can as they will not be bailed out by the government. Thank you for always supporting PHD Quilts and being members of our PHD Family.
