Welcome Fall!
I hope this newsletter finds each of you doing well! This weekend brings us to the yearly time change. As we fall back one hour and darkness comes earlier and earlier we have decided to go to Winter Hours. Starting Tuesday November 5, 2019 the store hours will change to 10am to 4pm Tuesday through Saturday. This will allow all of us to get home before full darkness.
There is a lot of news to report!
First, we are still working to bring a new investor onboard so that we can remain open and serving all of our PHD Family.
The inventory clearance in the sale room continues - All Fabric in the Sale Area is $5 per yard with a one yard minimum cut and all other merchandise in the sale area is 35% off the lowest marked price. We restock this area every week, so don't think you have seen it all ;)
Stuff My Stocking Signups begin Tuesday November 5th! Get signed up to receive your daily email invitations to enjoy specially priced treats for your stocking - Don't forget you can always enroll your significant other's email so they also know what is on sale during the holidays.
In addition to Stuff My Stocking, which only goes out to those who sign up, we will be hosting a 12 Days of Christmas with 12 Days of Demos and Special pricing on select items! This is going to be a lot of fun and I look forward to seeing each on you during this time.
We will also have Wish Lists Available for you to fill out so when loved ones come in to shop, they can find out what you would love to have this year!
Classes, Classes, Classes!
Every Wednesday is Open Bee Day and the Friday Following Kimberbell is Embroidery Gals! Everyone is welcome to come and work on whatever they wish!
November 5 - Quilts of Valor meets from 10 - 4! These ladies are amazing and have really knocked out some quilts for our veterans! Please come join the fun, the Quilts of Valor meet on the First Tuesday of the month.
November 12 - Bagoholics Duffel Bag Class 10 - 4. This is a great travel bag!
November 14 - Kimberbell Club - Due to the popularity of this club there is two classes one at 10am and the other at 2pm. Both are full and we have a waiting list ongoing at the shop, if you are interested in taking this class please call and put your name down if we have enough names on the list we will schedule another day and time for this class!
November 21 & 22 - McKenna Ryan Machine Applique Class - Come and learn how to create these beautiful works of art! Lezlie has lots of tricks to show you all. Class is from 10-4 both days.
We will be Closed for Thanksgiving Day, but open for Black Friday, and Shop Small Saturday!
An update concerning my mom: The tumor has shrunk, however, she is not yet a candidate for surgery. We will be continuing chemotherapy into January, when we will have another MRI and consultation with the surgeon. Thank you all for your prayers, we truly appreciate them all and your support is keeping us going!
Again, thank you all for your continued support of the shop, I really enjoy spending time with you all and helping you finish your quilts. Until I see you, please be safe, happy, and quilting!
Blessings, Angela