Happy Easter!
I hope this newsletter finds each of you doing well and enjoying Easter Weekend!! In celebration tomorrow we will have Easter Eggs populating our store, each customer can hunt one egg and inside is the amount you will receive off your entire purchase of regular priced items.
Due to Easter celebrations we are going to postpone the Premier Club to next weekend - Saturday the 7th at 10am. This is the last meeting for the 2017 Premier Club members. If you would like to join this special club now is the time to do so!!The Premier Club meets on the last Saturday of the month and we "premier" all of the new fabric lines, notions and patterns for the next month - they get to see it first and have the first opportunity to purchase all the new items. They also draw for a discount on their notion purchase for the day and we have door prize drawings as well.The cost for the entire year is $120 and that covers the entire 12 months, your personal PHD Quilts bag and time with friends and family each month!
As many of you know April 1st marks the Anniversary of my purchasing Tomorrow's Quilts from Linda. It has been 2 years now and in celebration I am gifting you each 20% off every kit through the month of April!
In addition March Madness sent me into Spring Cleaning!!! And I want to take my classroom back!! For the month of April ALL SALE FABRIC is marked down to $6 per yard!!
We are kicking off Spring with a wonderful Table Topper Techniques Class!! The Class includes all the fabrics needed to complete the table topper - you will learn mitered borders, thread painting and in addition you get a bag and a pin all for $79.99! We have the table topper on display at the front of the store!
BLOCK OF THE MONTH PROGRAMS, CLUBS AND CLASSES GALORE!! (I am only listing those that have available spots)
THOUGHTS OF THE MONTH - A hand embroidered pattern of the month - to keep as small quilts to display or put together into a quilt of encouragement. $10 month
Star Spangled in Blue - $15 month for 12 months A beautiful paper pieced block of the month!
Tranquility - $21 Month - 12 Months A deceptive Block of the month - this fabric looks like batiks but in reality it is all cotton prints!
Bell Canto - $45 Month - 7 months A unique Block of the Month that uses strips and that gives you 7 different quilt patterns, one each month, all of which uses the 2 1/2" strips! This Batik Block of the Month will start in April and will run for 7 months. The Tonga Stonewash has to be seen to be believed! This fabric is beautiful and has more blues than browns.
JOURNEY'S END by Kim Diehl for Henry Glass. A Quilt Block House Pattern - 6 month program. $23 Month
MYSTICAL PRISM: A New batik bom from Tonga Batiks and a Wing and a Prayer Designs. $20 MONTH.
LEGENDARY LOVES: $23 MONTH. Begins November 1st.
IT'S NOT A SQUARE A 12 month program from Marcus Fabrics - Sign up and purchase your book, then on your first class purchase the fat quarter bundle, then each month the booklet and class is just $10. Begins February and will be held each month on the 2nd Friday at 10am.
Aunt Grace's Basket of Scraps - $26 Month A 9-month program from Marcus Fabrics - This is a combination of applique and pieced blocks. Sign up and purchase your book, then each month you will pick up your fabric kit. This BOM starts in February.
Painter's Garden - Your Choice of Pieced ($24 Month) or Appliqued ($29 Month) A 9-month program from Marcus Fabrics with your choice of how you complete the middle - pieced or appliqued. This BOM starts in March.
Bristle Creek Farmhouse - $24 Month A 12-month program from Marcus Fabrics.This BOM begins in January.
Conestoga Crossing - $26 - 12 Month This Block of the Month uses Civil War Era reproductions and takes you across the prairie with the men and women who settled the American west.
Longarm Quilters Club - Meets on the Thursday after the first Wednesday (the day after HQ Ruler Club) of each month at 10am. We meet discuss problems and solutions, have show and tell and learn a new technique/ruler or foot. The cost of this class is $10.
HQ Ruler Club - Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 10am. Each month will feature a new Handi Quilter ruler. We will watch the video together, and then we will all practice with our new rulers. These rulers are exclusive to club members and will not be sold to the public until next year. $20 to join then $29 per ruler.
Kimberbell Embroidery Club - This club will meet on the second Thursday of the month at 10 am. Each month you will receive an exclusive Kimberbell Club pattern digital file, printed instruction sheet and kit to complete the project. Cost of this class is $29.99 per month and will be set up like a Block of the Month.
In addition to these classes we have partnered with McLennan Community College to teach the following:
T-Shirt Quilts Intro to Machine Quilting Finishing a Quilt Technique Classes Introduction to Quilting Beginning Quilting and Intermediate Quilting. You can see our full schedule in the MCC Continuing Education Books or online at www.mccandyou.com You can enroll for any of the classes by calling 254-299-8888
Again, thank you all for your continued support of the shop, I really enjoy spending time with you all and helping you finish your quilts. Until I see you, please be safe, happy, and quilting!