Happy Labor Day!!
I hope each of you have a blessed Labor Day Weekend. We will be open regular business hours over the weekend.

Row by Row is going strong, but remember it goes into hibernation September the 5th so if you don't have all your rows now is the time to hit the road to finish out your project, because no one can sell or give away the patterns during hibernation, and like bears it is a long time...October 31st! WE have a winning quilt in the shop Margie Burns created a gorgeous quilt from 13 different rows and it is hanging here in the shop for all to admire until hibernation time.
Year End Model Closeouts and Demo Days Sale all month!!!
All Janome machines are marked to go out the door, they have announced new models for next year so I am clearing out my current inventory and my demo models. I am also putting my HQ Stitch Machines on sale for the month!!
Handi Quilter has also announced that September is Demo Days and I have three demo machines available, 1 Avante and 2 Simply Sixteen models. In addition the Avante and Fusions are on Sale for amazingly low prices - $7,9995 for an Avante and $11,995 for a Fusion!! If you have been waiting for an awesome price now is the time!
Just a few of the new fabric lines that arrived for September include:
Blue Sky by Edita Sytar for Andover
20 New Aboriginal fabrics for Australia
16 new Kaffe Fasset Fabrics
Bruce the Moose from SusyBee
New Storybook from SusyBee
My Gray or the Highway by Camelot
Do What You Love by Camelot
Beachy/Nautical Collection from Robert Kaufman
Sumatra Batiks from Blank Studio
Downtown Kitty by Stoph
My Little Sunshine by Contempo
September SPECIAL
In honor of our kids going Back to School and freeing up our sewing time if you print off or this newsletter or bring it in on your phone you will receive 15% off your purchase of regularly priced items - this is only good for once during the month.
(I am only listing those that have available spots)
CONESTOGA CROSSING - 12 month program. $26 per month - travel across the west as you complete your blocks

WADDINGTON ROAD - a Wonderful sampler quilt to complete over the year.

THOUGHTS OF THE MONTH - A hand embroidered pattern of the month - to keep as small quilts to display or put together into a quilt of encouragement. $10 month

VINTAGE SHIRTINGS AND DRESS PRINTS SAMPLER - A beautiful quilt of vintage prints. $17 month

SOUTHERN VINTAGE - A beautiful pink, turquoise and tan sampler. $21 month

STAR SPANGLED LIBERTY - A stunning Patriotic Quilt - $29 month

more information coming soon on these! Sign up now to insure your spot!
JOURNEY'S END by Kim Diehl for Henry Glass. A Quilt Block House Pattern - 6 month program. $23 Month Begins July 1st.

SIMPLE WHATNOTS CLUB 6: Eight Small Quilts by Kim Diehl this is a quilt a month program. $46 month.
Begins July 1st.

LIVING IN THE MOMENT: by Material Girlfriends for Studio 37 Fabrics: Begins October and is a 12 month program. $11 per month

MYSTICAL PRISM: A New batik bom from Tonga Batiks and a Wing and a Prayer Designs. $20 MONTH.
Begins September 1st.

LEGENDARY LOVES: $23 MONTH. Begins October 1st.

IT'S NOT A SQUARE A 12 month program from Marcus Fabrics. - $15 MONTH
Begins September 15th.

NIGHT STONES - A Row of the month quilt from Marcus. This is a 6 month program.
$12 a month begins August 1st.

BARN QUILT TRAIL - This is a Block of the month with a class. $20 month begins towards the end of September. We will kick off this program with a class by the designer on how to color our blocks on September 20th.

Flower Dance - A Machine Embroidery BOM and Class. This will begin in October- more to come soon!

Coming in 2018
Aunt Grace Baskets of Scraps

Painter's Garden

Bristol Creek Farmhouse

Coffee and Kaffe - Meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 10am. An informal group that will be discovering new patterns and ways to use Kaffe Fassett's fabric collections. Free Club
Longarm Quilters Club - Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 10am. We meet discuss problems and solutions, have show and tell and learn a new technique/ruler or foot. The cost of this class is $10. September's class will discuss Tension - problems, causes and things to do other than pull your hair out!
HQ Ruler Club - Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 1pm. Each month will feature a new Handi Quilter ruler. We will watch the video together, and then we will all practice with our new rulers. These rulers are exclusive to club members and will not be sold to the public until next year. $22 to join then $22 per ruler.
Grid Girls Ruler Club: Each month I will be demoing a different Creative Grids Ruler. We will begin with Cat's Cradle and continue with a new ruler each month. Cost of the club is $10.
Westalee Ruler Club: Each month we will be learning a different ruler for quilting using your domestic machine. This class will begin in October with more information coming soon.
Year Long Sampler Class -Meets on the third Saturday of the month at 10am, with the exception of February's class which will meet on February 4th due to the Shop Hop. In this class you will be crafting blocks each week and will have a completed quilt at the end of the year. Cost $59

Children's Year Long Sampler Class - This class also meets on the Third Saturday of the month, only in the afternoon from 2 - 4. At the end of their year they will have a completed quilt - including quilting and binding. Cost - $59

Dear Jane - Held on the second Friday of the month at 1pm. This class is full.

Kimberbell Embroidery Club - This club will meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 10 am. Each month you will receive an exclusive Kimberbell Club pattern digital file and printed instruction sheet. Cost of this class is $20.
Prairie Women's Sewing Circle - Meets on the third Thursday of the month from 2 - 4pm. This is one of my favorite clubs, come sit and sew with us as we travel with our ancestors and learn about the history of quilting. Each month we receive a new pattern and have a great time at show and tell. Cost is $60 for the year. This class is full.
In addition to these classes we have partnered with McLennan Community College to teach the following:
T-Shirt Quilts
Intro to Machine Quilting
Finishing a Quilt
Machine quilting with your Embroidery Machine
Technique Classes
Introduction to Quilting
Beginning Quilting and Intermediate Quilting.
You can see our full schedule in the MCC Continuing Education Books or online at www.mccandyou.com You can enroll for any of the classes by calling 254-299-8888
Again, thank you all for your continued support of the shop, I really enjoy spending time with you all and helping you finish your quilts. Until I see you, please be safe, happy, and quilting!