Summer has arrived!!
Well May flew by and I never got a chance to send out this newsletter! It is Memorial Day weekend and the official kickoff to the summer and hops!
Spring Market was wonderful and my head is overflowing with all the wonderful new items and programs we will be strating at the shop, please be on the lookout for information in upcoming newsletters!!!
Row by Row kicks off June 21st and I have enjoyed creating with this years theme "On the Go!"
Please stop by the shop to get a sneak peak!
This month is going to be crazy I will be attending the quilt shows in Clifton and Abilene and then the last week of the month I will be in Utah learning more about Handi Quilters.
Handi-Quilter Specials are going on right now with $20 shipping and 0% interest so there is no better time to buy!
Just a few of the new fabric lines that arrived for June include:
Howdy! Stacy by Iset Hsu for Moda
Gingham Girls - Penny Rose Fabrics
Row By Row - Timeless Treasures
Beatrice - Northcott
Mythical Jungle by Laurel Burch for Clothworks
Colors of Fall - Wilmington Prints
Autumn Road - Wilmington Prints
Stonehenge Stars and Strips - Northcott
Junes's Month Long SPECIAL
15% OFF all Patriotic as well as all Blue and Red Fabrics
(I am only listing those that have available spots)
CONESTOGA CROSSING - 12 month program. $26 per month - travel across the west as you complete your blocks

WADDINGTON ROAD - a Wonderful sampler quilt to complete over the year.

THOUGHTS OF THE MONTH - A hand embroidered pattern of the month - to keep as small quilts to display or put together into a quilt of encouragement. $10 month

VINTAGE SHIRTINGS AND DRESS PRINTS SAMPLER - A beautiful quilt of vintage prints. $17 month

SOUTHERN VINTAGE - A beautiful pink, turquoise and tan sampler. $21 month

STAR SPANGLED LIBERTY - A stunning Patriotic Quilt - $29 month

more information coming soon on these!
JOURNEY'S END by Kim Diehl for Henry Glass. A Quilt Block House Pattern a 6 month program.

SIMPLE WHATNOTS CLUB 6: Eight Small Quilts by Kim Diehl this is a quilt a month program.

LIVING IN THE MOMENT: by Material Girlfriends for Studio 37 Fabrics: Begins September and is a 12 month program. $11 per month

MYSTICAL PRISM: A New batik bom from Tonga. $20 MONTH.





Coffee and Kaffe - Meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 10am. An informal group that will be discovering new patterns and ways to use Kaffe Fassett's fabric collections. Free Club
Longarm Quilters Club - Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 1pm and 3pm. We meet discuss problems and solutions, have show and tell and learn a new technique/ruler or foot. The cost of this class is $10. March's instruction is all about batting.
Year Long Sampler Class -Meets on the third Saturday of the month at 10am, with the exception of February's class which will meet on February 4th due to the Shop Hop. In this class you will be crafting blocks each week and will have a completed quilt at the end of the year. Cost $59

Children's Year Long Sampler Class - This class also meets on the Third Saturday of the month, only in the afternoon from 2 - 4. At the end of their year they will have a completed quilt - including quilting and binding. Cost - $59

Dear Jane - There are two options available for this class; (1) English Paper Piecing will be held on the second Friday of the month at 10am, the cost for this class is $30. (2) Foundation Paper Piecing will be held at 1pm on the same day (second Friday of the month) Cost for this class is $20. These classes will begin March 10th. Both classes are limited to 7 people so please sign up now - UPDATE the Foundation Paper Piecing class is now full, but we still have room in the EPP Class.

Kimberbell Embroidery Club - This club will meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 10 am. Each month you will receive an exclusive Kimberbell Club pattern digital file and printed instruction sheet. Cost of this class is $20.

Prairie Women's Sewing Circle - Our next journey will begin on March 27 and will meet on the third Thursday of the month from 2 - 4pm. This is one of my favorite clubs, come sit and sew with us as we travel with our ancestors and learn about the history of quilting. Each month we receive a new pattern and have a great time at show and tell. Cost is $60 for the year.
In addition to these classes we have partnered with McLennan Community College to teach the following:
T-Shirt Quilts
Intro to Machine Quilting
Finishing a Quilt
Machine quilting with your Embroidery Machine
and Kid Camps!
You can see our full schedule in the MCC Continuing Education Books or online at You can enroll for any of the classes by calling 254-299-8888
Again, thank you all for your continued support of the shop, I really enjoy spending time with you all and helping you finish your quilts. Until I see you, please be safe, happy, and quilting!