Welcome to Spring!?!
When I wrote last month we were having 70 and 80 degree days and it was hard to believe that February was here, today it is mid March and it is 54 degrees!!! Far be it from me (or the weathermen) to determine weather in Texas!!!
FAT quarter Tuesday was a hit with everyone and I am glad you all enjoyed it - This Friday is Saint Patrick's Day and may the Luck of the Irish be with you as you select your gold and win a discount!!! (anywhere from 10 -25% off the total sale of your regular priced merchandise!) If you don't believe the luck of the Irish is with you then maybe you will come in on Saturday which is National Quilting Day! Have some cake, enjoy some games and I am planning a big celebration surprise that you don't want to miss - and it is no use asking the girls because they haven't been told what it is either :) Speaking of surprises and celebrations April 1st is our one year anniversary!!!! Can you believe it has been a year since I reopened the shop and began this journey - I can't, it seems like the time is just flying by, so mark your calendar for our Birthday celebration as it will be AWESOME!!!! With our birthday around the corner it is time to restart all of our clubs. If you are a current member you already know all the fun we have in these clubs and if you aren't then you are really missing out!! We will be starting the following clubs Premier Club over - It is $50 for the year (April to April) Prairie Women's Sewing Circle March 23rd (It will be held on the 4th Thursday of the Month at 2pm) NEW - Second Saturday Bag Club Day - Purchase a TQ Vitae Bag and receive 20% off regular priced merchandise when you bring your bag on the Second Saturday of the month and a free fat quarter (as our gift to you, sorry no choosing your own) when you bring it any other day!
Game Night - MARCH 23RD - Due to poor attendance if no one signs up this month Game Night will go away until further notice. This is a really fun time of trading scrap fabric with your fellow quilters and you get a free pattern for coming - What could be more fun!
GETTING TO KNOW HUE - 12 months, begins March 2017 | 3 background options and 3 center options | A beautiful Lone Star Quilt that teaches you all about different hues of color and you make this stunning quilt.
Cost: $ 35.00 month
QUILTERS FLOWER PATCH - Edyta Sitar's Quilt teaches new techniques with almost every block. This Block of the Month will also have a class component.The class is full but I can still order more patterns if anyone would like to make this beautiful quilt on their own.
CONESTOGA CROSSING - 12 month program. $26 per month - travel across the west as you complete your blocks
WADDINGTON ROAD - a Wonderful sampler quilt to complete over the year. $19 month
SWEET SUMMERTIME - a combination of pieced blocks and hand embroidered blocks. A 6 month program. $20 month
THOUGHTS OF THE MONTH - A hand embroidered pattern of the month - to keep as small quilts to display or put together into a quilt of encouragement. $10 month
VINTAGE SHIRTINGS AND DRESS PRINTS SAMPLER - A beautiful quilt of vintage prints. $17 month
SOUTHERN VINTAGE - A beautiful pink, turquoise and tan sampler. $21 month
STAR SPANGLED LIBERTY - A stunning Patriotic Quilt - $29 month
Coffee and Kaffe - Meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 10am. An informal group that will be discovering new patterns and ways to use Kaffe Fassett's fabric collections. Free Club
Longarm Quilters Club - Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 1pm and 3pm. We meet discuss problems and solutions, have show and tell and learn a new technique/ruler or foot. The cost of this class is $10. April's instruction is all about thread, needles and tension.
Year Long Sampler Class -Meets on the third Saturday of the month at 10am, with the exception of February's class which will meet on February 4th due to the Shop Hop. In this class you will be crafting blocks each week and will have a completed quilt at the end of the year. Cost $59
Children's Year Long Sampler Class - This class also meets on the Third Saturday of the month, only in the afternoon from 2 - 4. At the end of their year they will have a completed quilt - including quilting and binding. Cost - $59
Dear Jane - There are two options available for this class; (1) English Paper Piecing will be held on the second Friday of the month at 10am, the cost for this class is $30. (2) Foundation Paper Piecing will be held at 1pm on the same day (second Friday of the month) Cost for this class is $20. These classes will begin March 10th. Both classes are limited to 7 people so please sign up now.
Kimberbell Embroidery Club - This club will meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 10 am. Each month you will receive an exclusive Kimberbell Club pattern digital file and printed instruction sheet. Cost of this class is $20.
Prairie Women's Sewing Circle - Our next journey will begin on March 27 and will meet on the third Thursday of the month from 2 - 4pm. This is one of my favorite clubs, come sit and sew with us as we travel with our ancestors and learn about the history of quilting. Each month we receive a new pattern and have a great time at show and tell. Cost is $60 for the year.
Home Schooler's Sewing Classes - We are now offering home school children a sewing option - Every Tuesday from March 21 - April 25 starting at noon for 7012 beginners, 1pm for 7-12 yr old experienced sewists and 2pm for 12+ Beginners and 3pm for 12+ Experienced sewists. If you know any home school children who would like to participate please send them our way! Cost is $59 for the six week session.
Last Premier Club for the the Induction class of Premier Club is March 25th at 10am and 1pm.
In addition to these classes we have partnered with McLennan Community College to teach the following: Introduction to Quilting Beginners Quilting Intermediate Quilting Sewing for Baby T-Shirt Quilts Intro to Machine Quilting Finishing a Quilt Machine quilting with your Embroidery Machine and coming this summer - Kid Camps! You can see our full schedule in the MCC Continuing Education Books or online at www.mccandyou.com You can enroll for any of the classes by calling 254-299-8888
Thank you all for your continued support of the shop, I really enjoy spending time with you all and helping you finish your quilts. (I still can't believe it has been almost a year!)
Until I see you, please be safe, happy, and quilting!